Perennials, Vines, and Groundcovers

Perennials add long-term interest to the garden. Blooming at varying times, they provide interest in different seasons and promote a dynamic, seasonal feel to a landscape. Use them along with more "permanent" plants such as trees and shrubs to help form the backbone or main structure of the garden. Filling in will annuals and other seasonal plants is a way to thread a long season of color through the landscape. Most perennials tend do best in well-prepared soil amended with soil conditioner and, for plants that like rich soil, compost.

Over 500 varieties of PERENNIAL PLANTS are available in spring and summer at Homewood including peonies, hellebores, coreopsis, daylilies, bleeding hearts, coneflower, heuchera, elephant ears, sages, hostas, ferns, ornamental grasses, hardy hibiscus, verbena, lantana, and many more!

VINES add vertical interest to landscapes and can be used to hide unattractive features of the home. You'll find both evergreen and deciduous, hardy vines in the outdoor Nursery Dept. and tropical or annual vines such as mandevilla and morning glory in our greenhouses or tropicals courtyard.

GROUNDCOVERS are an essential part of today's low-maintenance landscapes. Homewood carries groundcovers that are well-suited for our Carolina climate. They are available in flats and/or individual pots. We offer many varieties including the popular Stepables and Jeepers Creepers lines, as well as sedums, ajuga, pachysandra, vinca, ivy, dwarf mondo grass, liriope, moss phlox, juniper, and more.