UPDATE 2/28/24 - Browse the 2025 Rose List below.
This year's roses should be rooted and ready for purchase in early April.
Please note: we can deliver plants near the Raleigh, NC area but we DO NOT ship roses.
Here at Homewood we grow mostly #1 Grade roses in 3 gallon pots from bareroot plants we receive in January.
Rooted roses are typically ready for pickup during the first week of April.
All roses are $39.99.
Most of the pictures below were taken of Homewood-Grown roses. Other pictures are courtesy of Weeks or Star roses.
Contact Christina with questions christina@homewoodnursery.com
* roses will not be ready for
pick-up until April 2023
Symbol Key
★ disease resistant
♛ English rose style
✿ fragrant
✄ good for cutting
OR own-root
Hybrid Teas, Grandifloras, & Floribundas

All Dressed Up
Pretty in pink with an
English-rose shape.
♛ ✄

All My Loving
Bold magenta color. Rounded petals give blooms a great finishing shape.

Anna's Promise
A nice peach with a deep pink reverse and a raspberry blush at the finish.

Apricot Candy
Ruffled apricot petals with raspberry edging in cool weather.
✿ ✄OR

Best Kept Secret
Like Secret with a shorter, bushier growth habit. White with a pink edge.

Big Momma
Rich lipstick pink blooms with rounded petals.

White blooms, with a hint of pink at the center in cooler weather.
★ ♛✿ OR

Burst of Joy
This offspring of Ketchup & Mustard has the same bi-color flare in orange and yellow.

Celestial Night
Rich magenta from Grande Dame and purple from Ebb Tide.
♛ OR

Chicago Peace
A deep coral and raspberry, sunset tone version of the famous Peace rose.

Cinco de Mayo
Rusty red blooms with smoky lavender tones.

Deep pink buds open to playful, peony looking lighter blooms.
★ ♛ ✿✄ OR

Doris Day
Similar to Julia Child with a brighter, more sunny yellow hue.

Dream Come True
Large, full blooms. The color is even richer in spring but still lovely in summer.

Easy Charmer
Frilly lavender-pink blooms.
Compact growing patio rose.
★ ✿ OR

Easy Does It
Fun, frilled petals of rich coral with pink edges.
★ ✿ ✄

Easy Spirit
Blush pink buds open to nearly white blooms. Lighter in summer.

Easy to Please
Simple, yet charming magenta blooms with a white reverse.

Ebb Tide
Very heavy-blooming, rich purple color and fragrance.
♛ ✿

Eleganza Sunny Sky
Sunny yellow blooms that lighten in summer and develop pink tones.
★ OR

Eleganza Wedding Bells
Very full, medium pink blooms.
★ OR

Soft, shell pink and peach tones with a glowing yellow center.

Enchanted Peace
The charm of Peace rose with the saturation turned up a few notches. ★✿ OR

Eternal Flame
Large, blooms of soft yellow with glowing, golden centers.
★✿ ✄ OR

Velvety red subtle orange and purple overtones .

Forever Amber
Frilly apricot, fruit-scented blooms age to soft peach.
♛ ✄

Francis Meilland
Baby pink blooms. An award-winning variety.
★✿ ✄

Frida Kahlo
Neat striped petals with playful ruffles.

Full Sail
Pure white. Classic, high centered buds. Heavy tea rose fragrance.
✿ ✄

Fun in the Sun
English-style blooms of soft yellow to cream with a touch of pink.
✿ ♛

George Burns
Fun stripes of raspberry purple and cream.

Girls Night Out
Smoky fuchsia with a lighter center.

Good As Gold
Peach buds with raspberry markings open to marigold color blooms that blush to pink.

Happy Go Lucky
Charming English rose style blooms in a bright, cheery yellow.

Hot Cocoa
A customer favorite with very unique coloring of lavender over brick tones.

Julia Child
Golden yellow. A particularly heavy bloomer.
♛ ✿ OR
In Love Again
Large raspberry red blooms. Also known as Heart of Portland.

Just Joey
So ruffled and charming. How could anyone call this "just" anything?

Ketchup & Mustard
Boldly bi-color. Rich red & yellow stay bright from bud to finish.

Life of the Party
Ruffled, light yellow blooms that with a raspberry pink blush.
★ ✿ OR

Livin' Easy
An eye-catching shade of hot coral and tangerine.
★ OR

Love at First Sight
Light red petals with a white reverse. Long vase life.

Make Me Blush
Golden yellow with a blush pink edge.

Marmalade Skies
Unfading, bright salmon blooms, spring through summer.

Memorial Day
Pointed buds open to silver-pink blooms with scalloped petals.

Miss Congeniality
White blooms with crisp, dark pink edging.

White blooms with an opalescent pink glow.

Morning Glow
Apricot colored blooms with a playful, relaxed shape.

Mother of Pearl
Pink buds open to soft peach.
Very disease resistant.

Neil Diamond
Bold stripes and great fragrance.
This is one impressive rose.

Many "blue" roses don't perform well in heat. This is a great exception. ✿

Oh My!
The blooms may be simple but they are true, unfading red with amazing longevity.

Opening Night
Holds its rich red color from start to finish. A great choice for cutting.

Orchid Romance
Bubblegum pink with lavender and coral tones.
★ ♛ ✿

Painted Porcelain
Clear pink with a crisp white reverse.

Parade Day
Magenta with candy pink stripes. Large, rounded petals.

Parfuma Bliss
Soft apricot, English-style blooms.
★ ♛ ✿ OR

Parfuma Earth Angel
Peony-like, English-style blooms in nearly-white, pink.
★ ♛ ✿ OR

Perfect Moment
Rich red edges in spring, raspberry pink in summer. A gorgeous, well-formed rose. ✄

Perfume Factory
Magenta purple fading to lavender-pink.

Cream-pink with a margin of deeper pink & speckles.

Pop Art
Soft pink and yellow stripes. Moderate fruity fragrance.

Pope John Paul II
Large, pure white, very fragrant blooms. Very long vase life.

PowerPuff Pink
Clustered blooms of electric pink.
♛ OR

Pretty Lady Rose
Rich fuchsia. Part of the Downton Abbey collection.

Princess Charlene de Monaco
Frilly, English rose style blooms of soft peach.
♛ ✿ OR

Queen Mary 2
Huge, high-centered blooms. Pictured at Portland Rose Garden. ✿

Quest For Zest
Glowing yellow with lighter edges.

Radiant Perfume
One of the best yellows for the South and highly fragrant!

Raspberry Cupcake
Medium pink with a strong, fruity fragrance.
★ OR

Rock & Roll
White blooms playfully striped with red.

Romantica Ball Gown
Classic, quartered, English-style blooms in baby pink.
★♛✿ ✄OR

Romantica Moonlight
Light yellow with ruffled petals.
★♛ ✿ ✄OR

Rosie the Riveter
A wonderful, color-changing variety. Pink buds unfurl to ruffled peach blooms.

Rouge Royale
Deep, raspberry red English-style blooms.

Bold pink lines the edges of this cream-white rose.

Secret's Out!
White with a tiny kiss of pink at the center.

Smokin' Hot
Cinnamon red with purple edges and a white reverse.

Sparkle & Shine
The brightest sunny yellow from start to finish.

Strike it Rich
Reliably tall, vigorous, heavy bloomer. Gold with a pink reverse.

Sugar Moon
Sugar white. Rounded petals make it pretty from start to finish.

Sunbelt Crazy Love
Copper buds open to peach blooms.
★♛ ✄OR

Sunbelt Plum Perfect
Rosy, plum purple.
★♛ OR

Sunbelt Savannah
Blush pink , classic buds open to dark peach English style blooms.
★♛ ✿ ✄OR

Sunbelt Soul Sister
Clusters of peach blooms with ruffled petals.
★✿ OR

Tahitian Sunset
Sunset tones of peach and pink.
★ ✿✄

Sweet Madame Blue
Lavender pink blooms.
♛✿ ✄OR

Sunbelt South Africa
Golden apricot.
★✿ OR
Sweet Mademoiselle
Photographed in Christina's yard. Coral, peony-like blooms.
★♛ ✿✄OR

Sweet Spirit
Magenta blooms with high, pointed centers.
★✿ OR

Near red English-style blooms.
♛ ✿✄OR

Soft red with ruffled petals.
★♛ ✿

Hot coral-orange blooms with a fruity fragrance.

Clusters of blazing scarlet to deep orange blooms.

Twilight Zone
Gorgeous deep purple color, great fragrance.
♛ ✿

Uptown Girl
Warm coral-pink blooms with ruffled petals.

Veterans' Honor
Huge blooms in true, classic red.

Violet's Pride
Lavender-pink aging to mauve. English-style blooms.
♛ ✿

White Licorice
Buttercream white with a lemon yellow center.

Violet's Pride
Lavender-pink aging to mauve. English-style blooms.
♕ ✿
Climbing Roses
up, up, and away!

Charming, English-style blooms of peachy coral with pink edges.
♛ ★ OR

Cosmic Clouds
Rich magenta-purple blooms with a white reverse.
✿ OR

English-style blooms in a baby pink hue.
♛ OR

Eden Pretty in Pink
Rich pink, English-style blooms.
♛ OR

Eden Red
Light red, English-style blooms.
♛ OR

Eden White
Soft pink buds open to ivory white.
♛ OR

Fly So High
Candy striped white and magenta.

Golden Opportunity
Rich apricot yellow.

Joseph's Coat
A rose of many colors, from raspberry pink buds, to blazing coral, to peach and gold.

Kiss Me Kate Arborose
Bubblegum pink.
★♛ ✿ OR

Lady in Red
For a climbing rose this lady is incredibly heavy-blooming at a much smaller height.

New Dawn
A peachy-pink so pale it's nearly white.

Purple Splash
Playful striped blooms, similar to 'Fourth of July' rose but in a raspberry purple hue.

Raspberry Cream Twirl
Deep pink with lighter stripes.
♛ OR

Sky's the Limit
Sunny, lemon yellow blooms. Blooms heavily at a young age.

Tropical Lightning
Stunning striped blooms of peach, copper, and maroon with smoky lavender shading.

Zéphirine Drouhin
Lavender pink.

*Due to the decrease in demand for miniature roses we do not plan to grow them in 2025. Please let us know if you are interested in them in the future.

Bridal Sunblaze

Midnight Fire

Rainbow Sunblaze

Sweet Sunblaze

Life's Little Pleasures

Peach Sunblaze

Red Sunblaze

Yellow Sunblaze
All about
Homewood-grown Roses
We take pride in producing the biggest, healthiest, most robust roses in the area. The roses we grow begin as bareroot plants that we plant into 3 gallon containers in February.
We grow hybrid tea, grandiflora, floribunda, climbing, and miniature roses.
Homewood-grown roses are available for purchase beginning in April until we sell out. For best selection, visit us between late-March and mid-April or place a pre-order.
* To reserve your roses ahead of time, speak with Christina or someone in the nursery department.
We grow hybrid tea, grandiflora, floribunda, climbing, and miniature roses.
Homewood-grown roses are available for purchase beginning in April until we sell out. For best selection, visit us between late-March and mid-April or place a pre-order.
* To reserve your roses ahead of time, speak with Christina or someone in the nursery department.
We also carry a few select roses all season long, including the Knock Out series of roses like Pink Knock Out, Double Knock Out, and Sunny Knock Out. The Drift series of groundcover roses is also available in an array of colors.
Rose Reservation
How many of each rose is being grown?
How many roses are left to reserve?
Has my rose order been received?
Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora, Floribunda:
What's the difference?

Hybrid Tea
Most of our roses fall into this category. These are classic, long-stemmed roses with large, full blooms. They tend to need a little bit more disease control unless otherwise noted.

Somewhere between hybrid tea and floribunda, this type produces single blooms and clustered blooms. Though similar to hybrid tea, they are often slightly easier to grow.

These roses bloom in clusters. It’s almost like having an entire bouquet on a single stem. They tend to be bushier, more compact, and somewhat more disease resistant.

Want to know a secret? Climbing roses don't actually climb. They can't twine around a structure or attach themselves. What this means is that they may need a little help growing onto the support you're placing them on. The good news is that they're much sturdier than true vines. Do consider that climbers can have a vigorous, upright growth habit or horizontal, rambling habit better suited for fences.

If you took a hybrid tea or floribunda and shrunk it down ( flowers, leaves, everything) you'd have a miniature rose. Most of them only grow 24-30" tall and wide. They are great for small spaces but because they're so dense their one request is that you give them plenty of air circulation.